Windows 10 Professional - Full Version (32 & 64-bit)

ban win 10 gia re

170.000 ~ 8$


Windows 10 Professional

  Windows 10 is so familiar and easy to use, you'll feel like an expert. The Start Menu is back in an expanded form, plus your pinned apps and favorites are brought over so they're ready and waiting for you. It starts up and resumes fast, has more built-in security to help keep you safe, and is designed to work with software and hardware you already have.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum rhoncus vehicula tortor, vel cursus elit. Donec nec nisl felis. Pellentesque ultrices sem sit amet eros interdum, id elementum nisi ermentum.Vestibulum rhoncus vehicula tortor, vel cursus elit. Donec nec nisl felis. Pellentesque ultrices sem sit amet eros interdum, id elementum nisi fermentum.

